

Stewardship Renewal

Each year Holy Family Cathedral participates in a Stewardship Renewal. This is an exciting time of year when we are each called to access the various blessings that God has bestowed upon us. It is an opportunity to reflect on how God is calling us to use those blessings to grow closer to Him and to help build His kingdom on earth. he three Ts – Time, Talent, and Treasure – describe the personal gifts we offer to the Church. The four Ps are the Four Pillars of Parish Stewardship described by the renowned pastor Msgr. Thomas McGread. They are the hallmark of a stewardship parish – Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service. Our parish ministries are organized by these four pillars in an effort to help parishioners make stewardship a way of life. All ministries are open; you do not have to be signed up to participate in an event! Come as you are!

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